Ibis Mojo HD with Cane Creek Angleset

Ibis Mojo HD with Cane Creek Angleset Another step to my dream build is a 170mm Marzocchi 55 RC3 Ti fork with Cane Creek -1° Angleset. I've decided to go with ZS44 / ZS49 version (S.H.I.S. ZS/44/28.6 - ZS/49/30) and use the straight 1 1/8" steerer, to reduce the bottom stack height. Read more...

Coil shock on Ibis Mojo HD

When Ibis Mojo HD was released 3 years ago, there was no coil shock option available, as Ibis stated it was designed completely around an air shock. Shortly after, information about it's coil compatibility started coming and many suspension tuners praised its suspension design qualities making it perfect candidate for a coil. Ibis reacted and added Fox RC4 as a shock option because of it's adjustable progressiveness. So, how to describe Ibis Mojo HD with a coil shock? Perfect.


How to replace frame bearings on Ibis Mojo HD

How to replace frame bearing on Ibis Mojo HD

Frame bearings are the part of your bike that is really easy to forget about and neglect the maintenance. Especially when there are no signs of creaking and your bike appears to behave normally. I did the same, forgot about them on my Ibis Mojo HD for about year and a half, until I checked them during another service job. I found that almost all bearings had dirt instead of lube in them, they moved far from easy and two bearings in the lower link were completely seized. It was time to replace them.


Mountain bike lights for enduro

Mountain bike light

I've spent over a month searching for a reliable and powerful mountain bike light to be ridden in fast technical terrain. This is an overview of all lights meeting my requirements for heavy enduro use.


Output: >1500 measured lumens
Battery run: 3+ hours on full output
Headmount, separate light unit and battery


Ibis Mojo HD EVO Project

Ibis Mojo HD

Vysoké Tatry 2012


Maxxis High Roller 2,35″ UST failure

Maxxis High Roller 2,35" UST failure

Last year, I bought two Maxxis High Roller 2,35" UST tires for my Mojo HD, running them in the rear teamed up with Maxxis Minion DHF 2,35" in the front. The first one started forming bubbles after couple hundred kilometers. I thought it was one bad piece, so I threw it out and replaced it with the second tire.


Photos from Kálnica 2012-07-05

Another trip to Kalnica bike park.

Bikefest Kálnica 2012

V sobotu ráno sme piati vyrazili na Bikefest do Kálnice. Počasie bolo skvelé, stánkov s bajkami a všetkým, čo k nim patrí neúrekom a v priebehu dňa rástla aj masa ľudí. Čakanie na vlek zozačiatku otravovalo, neskôr keď začali ruky a nohy protestovať padlo celkom vhod. Okrem Paľa si každý užil svoju dávku pádov a ked si Kubo podvečer posedel v sanitke, radšej sme to zabalili.

Postupne sa na nete objavujú galérie z akcie a v jednej som sa už našiel:)

Burgtec RideWider 780mm bars

A sleek package arrived today, turning Easter into Christmas:) Read more...