Topping chili pepper plants for higher yield

Chili plant topping Chili plant topping is a technique used to promote plant branching and preventing top heavy plants, that could break because of heavy fruit yield or wind, ultimately leading to a higher yield. The main stem is cut bellow the firt "Y" forming on it. When the tip of the plant is removed, plant will reroute it's growth hormone auxin lower down the stem, making the plant branch out. Most of the hormone is stored at the tip, so it will take couple of days after topping until the plants recovers and you will see new leaves and branches forming. As I found out, not all varieties respond to topping in the same way. Here I'm gonna discuss my results and mistakes.


Chili Growing Season 2015

Chili Growing Season 2015

January is finally here so it's time to get ready for the next chili growing season. After some mixed results with Ebb&Flood, I will try soil this year.


Vysoké Tatry 2012


Bikefest Kálnica 2012

V sobotu ráno sme piati vyrazili na Bikefest do Kálnice. Počasie bolo skvelé, stánkov s bajkami a všetkým, čo k nim patrí neúrekom a v priebehu dňa rástla aj masa ľudí. Čakanie na vlek zozačiatku otravovalo, neskôr keď začali ruky a nohy protestovať padlo celkom vhod. Okrem Paľa si každý užil svoju dávku pádov a ked si Kubo podvečer posedel v sanitke, radšej sme to zabalili.

Postupne sa na nete objavujú galérie z akcie a v jednej som sa už našiel:)

New year, new website

My last year’s resolution to setup my personal website and start blogging failed. Domain name wasn’t such a great idea after all. There was no connection with my person, no bound that would make it feel like home and despite that many people in Slovakia speak English, it was often misunderstood. Spelling it all the time got old pretty soon… Read more...