Growing chili on a balcony 2016

Balcony chili garden 2016 This year's cold weather with night temperatures getting as low as 5°C in the night has postponed the final repotting almost a month. Plants are getting hardened and will be placed outside the next weeken.

I've reduced the number of plants in the pots from 3 to 2, so each has 30 litres of soil available. I also have one extra large pot for a solo plant (Purira). I'll try to top the plants, so they will be as compact and strong as possible, so they will withstand the wind gusts we get around here.

Habanero Carribean Red

Habanero Carribean Red chili plant

Paper Lantern

Paper Lantern chili plant

Harlod St. Bart

Harlod St. Bart chili plant

Despite getting the plants hardened for the last 2 weeks, this plant has sufferend some sun scalding.

Harlod St. Bart sun scalding


Citron chili plant

Very nice and compact plant, that should do well in a pot

Paper Lantern

Paper Lantern chili plant

Orange Blob

Orange Blob chili plant

This plant responded nicely to topping and developed many sidebranches and extra leaves.

Fidalgo Roxa

Fidalgo Roxa chili plant

7pot Brain Strain

7pot brain strain chili plant

This plant got it's leaved damaged quite early, but I couldn't pinpoint the main reason. If you know what causes this problem, please, let me know in the comments

7pot brain strain disease

7pot brain strain disease

CGN 21500

CGN 21500 chili plant


Purira chili plant

This is the only plant I haven't topped because I'm gonna plant it into a separate big pot to get it as big as possible. It was also branching out nicely from the very beggining, so I doubt topping it would bring any better results.

Carolina Reaper

Carolina Reaper chili plant

Check out my 2015 Chili growing report

Published 17.05.2016 by Peter Pech

  1. Martin Ptacek

    Zdravim Petere,
    libi se mi vas navod na zastipovani chilli. Chci se zeptap … Co to mate za typ tech bilych kelmiku nebo kvetinacu? Vypadaji jako na kavu, ale libi se mi na nich ze mají sirsi dno.

  2. admin

    Ahoj Martin,
    su to plastove kvetinace Elho, kupene v Hornbachu. Pacilo sa mi na nich, ze su z kvalitnejsieho plastu a mali by dost dlho vydrzat.

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